Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Leadership Conferences

Over the years I've had the opportunity to attend numerous Leadership Conferences as the result of a commitment I made a long time ago. If you're going to become a better leader, it means exposing yourself to good leaders and ideas. One of the best ways of making that happen is to attend a Leadership Conference where you can have a feast for a weekend and then snack on the leftovers for years to come.

My favorite conference is the Leadership Summit hosted by the Willow Creek Association and featuring Willow Creek pastor, Bill Hybels. As a delegate to the Summit I've had opportunity to learn from luminaries like Jack Welch, Jim Collins, Colin Powell, Erwin McManus and many others. They also feature young up-and-coming entrepeneurial leaders like Blake Mycoskie of TOMS Shoes and Chip and Dan Heath. Inspirational young leaders are also featured, like Christine Caine - fighting to end human trafficking, Bono and Jessica Jackley and the KIVA Story - working to end poverty.

There are, of course, many good conferences out there. I'm going to share some links to the most recommended conferences that I've heard about; I'd appreciate it if you'd share your favorite conference experience with the rest of us. For those of you from Clearview Community Church, I'll be attending the Canadian version of the Leadership Summit at the end of September. If you're interested in attending, let me know.

The Global Leadership Summit

The Orange Conference

The Catalyst Conference 


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