Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Resources: Top Ten Lists For Canadian Christian Leaders

Recently The Leadership Centre Willow Creek Canada conducted surveys of Canadian church leaders to find out what was impacting their ministries. I know that I'm always on the prowl for resources that can help me with my leadership so I thought I'd share in one place for you what I found in a series of Scott Cochrane's blogs.

I was pleased to find that I already use many of these resources (so I'm not completely out of touch). I also was pleased to find that there were a few that I haven't checked out yet. Links to the applicable sites are also included  for your convenience. If you have some others that you've stumbled on and would like to share, please leave a comment. So here goes...

In answer to the question:
Which 3 AUTHORS, Christian or secular, are currently having the most impact or relevance to your ministry?
  1. Tim Keller
  2. Bill Hybels
  3. Andy Stanley
  4. N.T. Wright
  5. Francis Chan
  6. Dallas Willard
  7. Eugene Peterson
  8. Henri Nouwen
  9. Brian McLaren
  10. Patrick Lencioni
  11. Ravi Zacharias - Wasn't on the list but I added him because it's my blog. : )
In answer to the question:
In 2011, what were the 3 most ministry-impacting BOOKS you read?

  1. Sun Stand Still, Steven Furtick
  2. Radical, David Platt
  3. The Power of a Whisper, Bill Hybels Find book review here.
  4. Surprised by Hope, N.T. Wright
  5. Humilitas, John Dickson
  6. Prodigal God, Timothy Keller
  7. Sticky Church, Larry Osborne
  8. Disappointment With God, Philip Yancey
  9. Leading on Empty, Wayne Cordeiro
  10. Simple Church, Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger
  11. What Good is God? Philip Yancey - Again... it's my blog. See review here.
Final question:
Which 3 PODCASTS, Christian or secular, are currently having the most impact or relevance to your ministry?
  1. Andy Stanley
  2. Timothy Keller
  3. Mark Driscoll
  4. Bill Hybels
  5. Craig Groeschel
  6. Focus on the Family
  7. Ravi Zacharias
  8. Mark Buchanan
  9. TEDTalks
  10. The Meeting House
  11. Erwin McManus - It's still my blog.
These are great resources for leaders. I hope that you take some tome and check them out. Remember to do something - every day - to help yourself grow as a leader.

Related Articles:
Seven Keys For A Better Life
The Rebekah Principle
Cool Link of the Day #3
"Young Leaders – Start Smart"

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